Cedar Lake Sales is proud to be an informational resource for many aspects of the marine industry. Whether it is fishing, marine repair and service, safety and education or the purchase of a boat, we are your #1 source to get you and your family enjoying Wisconsin’s greatest natural resources – our abundant waterways, rivers, streams and lakes.
Come on and climb aboard!
Click on any one of the links below and get started on your family’s next adventure now!
Donate your boat to St. Vincent de Paul
Big Cedar Lake Thursday Night Fishing Club, Big Cedar Lake
Great Lakes Fisherman – Ozaukee County Chapter
WI Alliance of Bass Tournament Anglers
Lake – Link, Fishing Information
Little Cedar Lake and Silver Lake Launch Pass info
Wisconsin DNR, Fishing Regulations, Licenses
Boat YouTube video reviews on boats
Crestliner Boats: All Welded Aluminum Fishing, Fish/Ski boats
Mercury Marine engines and motors